Laziness is a
Good thing on Roatan.
Roatan Sloth Tours.
The Roatan Sloth tours occur at various locations on Roatan. Two of the best sanctuaries are located near French Harbour. AJ’s Monkey and Sloth Tour is the newest sanctuary to be build the one closest to Little French Key. Daniel Johnson is only a few meters away and it is closest to the Big French Key entrance. Both AJ’s and Daniel Johnson’s are excellent choices.
AJ’s Monkey and Sloth Tour
Little French Key Package
The Sloth Sanctuary at AJ's place makes for a remarkable experience. The Sloths are adorable and photogenic. Tourists usually underestimate this tour, but after they hold the sloth, they come away with a trip highlight.
Daniel Johnson
Monkey & Sloth Hangout
The Daniel Johnson Monkey & Sloth Hangout has grown into a favorite animal excursion for travelers to Roatan. The Sloth is the main attraction. Roatan's Sloth Sanctuary makes for the perfect photo opportunity. A limited amount of tourist is allowed to hold the sloth. Visitors are also allowed to hold White Face Monkeys, Spider Monkey, Capuchin Monkeys, Parrots and Scarlet Macaws! The sanctuary is also home to the "Guatusa," commonly known as an Agouti, but Roatan locals call them "Island Rabbits." There is also a South American raccoon for guest to admire. This activity is one of Roatan inexpensive activities, and it often makes it as a top highlight and a favorite thing to do in Roatan. The Sloth Sanctuary is located in French Harbor, only 40 minutes away from Roatan's popular West End.
PRO TIP: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Sunday: Closed
Tour Overview.
You are able to purchase a Little French Key package without the sloth tour. You can also purchase a sloth tour, without a Little French Key package. Depending on your choice, you may be responsible for your transportation.
Sloth & Key.
One of the most popular tours includes access to both Little French Key and the Sloth Sanctuary. The sanctuaries are nearby Little French Key and they are entirely separate operations, so keep that in mind.
Taxi Cabs.
Tours which include admission to Little French Key will include Transportation. If you purchase admission to the Sloth Sanctuary without a Little French Key package, then you will be responsible for your own transportation.
Fun & Family Centric
The Sloth Sanctuary visit is a very enjoyable and relaxing experience. From the sanctuary, visitors enjoy a lovely view of Little French Key and Big French Key. One of the unspoken attractions are the Mangroves. Tourist can walk among the Mangroves and see Sloth hanging out on the Mangrove trees. Photographs of sloths in an open habitat are priceless.
About Sloths.
Its common name is a Three-toed sloth, and its scientific name is Bradypus. The world's slowest tropical mammal that lives in Central and South America. There are two main species of sloth, the two-toed and three-toed. They are identified by their two or three claws on their front feet. Two-toed sloths are bigger and tend to spend more time hanging upside down. They often sit upright on a tree branch. In contrast, the three-toed sloths have a specific color on their face that makes them seem like they are always smiling, their size is around 58 to 68 cm, and their weight is 17.5 to 18.75 pounds. These mammals have an extra vertebra at the base of the neck that allows them to rotate their heads and get an almost 360° view of their surroundings; this makes sloths stand out from other mammals that don't have this flexibility. They have a small snout with a round head, long legs, small eyes, and small ears. Males are distinguishable because they usually have an orange patch of fur or bright yellow located on their back between their shoulders.
Their Habitat.
All sloths are built to spend all of their life in trees, hanging from branches with their long claws. Their long claws make it difficult for them to come down from the treetop, descending to the ground only to defecate, which they do once a week. Sloths are an arboreal animal that inhabits the tropical forests. Their algae fur helps them camouflage in their environment. They spend most of their time sleeping and eating. They sleep hanging from tree branches and sleep for 18 hours a day. Even awake, they remain motionless. These mammals mate and give birth in the trees. Sloth babies are hanging on to their mother for the first nine months of their lives.
On land, sloths have difficulty, with their rear weaker legs. Their long claws are also a hindrance to be on the ground. They must dig by using their front claws and legs to pull themselves along. On land, these animals can't evade their predators, and they will try to defend by biting and clawing. Although they are slow climbers, sloths are excellent and speedy swimmers.
What they eat.
Sloths eat leaves and fruits from trees, and they get their water from juicy plants. Three-toed sloths are herbivorous; they eat leaves and shoots from some species of trees, cecropia being one of them. On the other hand, the two-toed sloths are omnivorous, which means they consume animals (insects and lizards), plants, and fruits. Because of their slow metabolism, it can take up to a month to digest a one-meal. Their diet is not nutritious, which could be the reason for their slow lifestyle since they don't get much energy from their meals.
If you are an animal lover, especially of these sloths, visit the most popular sloth parks on the island. The parks are Daniel Johnson's Monkeys and Sloths and AJ's Monkeys and Sloths.